Theme parks have always been popular for one main reason – rides! Disney is no exception. Sure, the scenery, cast members, entertainment and food are a big draw but let’s be honest – people remember the rides. In order to move forward, we must remember that not all experiences at Disney are rides that move. Therefore, as a key term in Disney lingo, we call them attractions. Attractions make these experiences “must-do” on your vacation. And for some, the thrills are what brings people back.
Welcome to Believe Vacation’s countdown to the GREATEST DISNEY ATTRACTION OF ALL TIME as today, we continue our agent polling results by revealing the Most Thrilling Non-Magic Kingdom Attractions. Each attraction was given a grade and based on the total, we have placed them in the following tiers:
Are We Even Moving?
Living With the Land – As slow of a ride as there is in Walt Disney World, the only thrill during your boat tour is trying to pronounce the names of the produce in the greenhouse.
Muppet*Vision 3D – Seated in the Muppet Theater wins points in other categories, but there is not a lot of action except for catching falling bubbles from the ceiling.
Turtle Talk with Crush – A big hit with little kids, the excitement level of wondering if Crush will speak to you personally is where the thrills stop here.
Gran Fiesta Tour – Maybe slower than Living with the Land, watching Donald Duck bounce from screen to screen doesn’t necessarily require a seat belt.
TriceraTop Spin – While the Dino pod is constantly spinning at your desired spin, there is only so much spinning in the same circle that can get you excited.
Journey into Imagination with Figment – The “action” of this attraction is transitioning from scene to scene but the senses may not be prepared for some little “poofs” of imagination.
Spaceship Earth – Ascending up the “Big Golf Ball” through the different scenes is cool; coming back down to Earth backwards is even more fun.
That Wasn’t Bad At All!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
It’s Tough to Be a Bug 4D – While Hopper’s appearance may give you a quick jump, nothing beats the fun ending that dismisses “guests” from the theater.
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Primeval Whirl – Traveling down a roller coaster track complete with sharp turns and rapid descents, the pride of Chester and Hester’s Dino-Rama is fun for those who meet the height requirement.
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Fantasmic! – For a show, the spectacle of the fire, water screens, live action scenes, characters, smoke, technology and characters can not be topped.
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Kilimanjaro Safaris – More sights than thrills, there is still something exciting about riding up close alongside giraffes, elephants, lions, and many more magnificent animals.
Now that was Fun!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Frozen Ever After – Downright shocked this one is in the 3rd tier of the “Thrill” category. The journey through Arendelle might be considered thrilling if your little one is still way into the Frozen franchise and enjoys the second-fastest backwards attraction speeds!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Toy Story Mania! – Again, thrilling is a weird way to describe this attraction. Innovative? Sure! Exciting? Of course! Addictive? You know it! Maybe the transitions during the games in the spinning vehicles can be “thrilling” but let’s not get petty – It’s a great attraction!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Soarin’ – Now this is thrilling! We mentioned in previous posts that simulating flight will always bring the crowds to an attraction! When you add the immaculate scenes, scents and soundtrack that engages you during your flight, we’re not just talking thrills, we’re talking sensory overload people!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Star Tours: The Adventure Continues – Another flight simulation attraction, this time we’ve only added the mediocre film franchise that has only become the biggest franchise in history! Not only do we get to experience a real, light speed chase through various scenes, you may ride 3 times and get 3 different experiences. Part of the thrill is not knowing where you’ll wind up!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Mission:Space – I’ll be the first to admit that I thought it would be cool to experience space. And I’ll also be the first to admit that I rode the “green version” so I could actually enjoy the experience and not lose my lunch. And while the simulation is thrilling, simply pushing a button as your “ride participation” was slightly overrated.
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Dinosaur – Is it okay to confess that Dinosaur always makes my “to-do in Animal Kingdom” list? In fact, I’ve ridden it more than Expedition Everest. And now that I know when to expect certain Jurassic family members to pop up during the attraction, the thrills and jumps and bumps will never get old!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Kali River Rapids – For a while, my Disney trips only happened in January and thus, this attraction was always closed because it was “too cold” (yes, in Florida). But one glorious day in May, I rode this water attraction. And me and my kids were hooked….and soaked! You never know when you’ll get your turn to be hosed down or drenched and depending on where you sit during certain points of the drops and turns, you may wind up feeling the wet effects the rest of your day.
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Test Track – The fastest ride at Disney has to be one of the most thrilling, right? And while the 60+mph final portion makes for some wonderful memories, part of the thrill begins in the pre-show area. How cool is it to design your own car? To add over-sized wheels, spoilers, designs and other amenities and then to see how they perform? Awesome!
Get Me Off This Thing Now!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – Dropping from incredible heights is not my ideal amusement experience. But man, is this one of the most fun and thrilling attractions in any park in the world! Part of the thrills start with the entire theming of the queue area, the pre-show and then eventually, on-boarding the service elevator. Knowing the history of the 5 family members who met an untimely demise in the hotel you are in makes this a little more intense. But seeing the park the first time the window opens is one of those moments that will always make your spine tingle!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain – The thrill of climbing Mt. Everest in Nepal has been a thrilling adventure for brave souls for many decades now. But the Everest in central Florida features a living, breathing, irate Yeti. You’ve invaded his home environment; he’ll ruin your excursion. You’ve decided to abandon the mission and escape the mountain; he hauls you back into his lair. You got on the train expecting thrills; you leave the snow-capped mountains in chills!
Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney World
Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith – Roller coasters are thrill rides, plain and simple. So when you have the word “roller coaster” in the attractions name, it better live up to the hype. Thankfully for all of us, the thrills and hype of this ride live up to the magnitude and popularity of the rock group it is named after. Featuring the only upside-down loop in the parks, the stretch limousine that hits 55 mph in 3 seconds is most definitely a Sweet Emotion!
Did we miss anything? Which thrilling attraction needs to be placed into another tier? Leave us your comments in the section below and as always, there’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow.