Signs, Signs, everywhere there are signs! And sitting on close to 27,000 acres of property, you need those signs to navigate the beast known as Walt Disney World. Welcome to Believe Vacation’s “Top Ten” where today, we’ll look at the Top 10 Signs at Walt Disney World. For this list, we are looking at any sign associated with Walt Disney World. This includes road signs, attraction signs, marquees and any other imagery that directs us.
10) Magic Kingdom Entranceway Plaque
“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.” Hanging right above the entrance into the Magic Kingdom, this small plaque sets the tone for the experience to come once you step into the Magic Kingdom. Leaving all of life’s problems at the gate, you now have permission to have fun, be a kid again, smile, laugh and play and simply enjoy being entertained. The perfect invitation for no doubt, a perfect day in the park.
9) The Emporium Sign
Conveniently sitting on the front left corner of Main Street right inside the entrance of the Magic Kingdom, it is hard to miss this huge merchandise store. While you may bypass the store in the morning as you rush to your favorite rides, this beacon of light thrives in the evening hours. Subtly suggesting that there are still purchases to be made before you leave for the evening, the Emporium Sign towers over the crowds and provides one last journey through the 1800’s before returning to the real world.
8) Magical Express Signs at Orlando International Airport
So you’ve been up since before the sun rose and before that you hardly got a wink of sleep with the anticipation of your Disney trip. You’ve fought lines at your local airport, spent hours in the air and now you’ve landed and are anxious to start your vacation. So it’s no doubt that the signs for the Magical Express inside the Orlando International Airport are some of the most recognizable and favorite signs for Walt Disney World. They signify the official start to your much anticipated vacation and point you to your first “unofficial” ride – The Magical Express Bus.
7) “Auction: Take a Wench for a Bride” – Pirates of the Caribbean
Admittedly, times are different now. You can not just ransack a village, take all the women and sell them. But in the setting of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, this sign half-way through the boat tour enhances the comical outings of our favorite swashbucklers. While some of the women have managed to escape the auction, they find themselves at the onset of a foot race trying to outrun pursuing scalawags. Drink up me hearties, indeed!
6) Monorail Entrance at the Transportation and Ticket Center (TTC)
One of the most popular modes of transportation on the grounds of Walt Disney World, the Monorail can transport over 150,000 people a day. And while there are a handful of stops to board the Monorail, the entrance at the Transportation and Ticket Center is the sign most guests want to see. Whether taking the resort and Magic Kingdom loop or the route to Epcot, this purple gateway ushers you to being minutes from the theme park of your choice.
5) The Purple Road Directional Sign
Speaking of purple signs, the streets and roads on the campus of Walt Disney World are covered with directional signs pointing you towards parks, hotels and other stops. Legend has it that guests were asked what color signs they remembered the most during test phases and the purple with the red trim was the overwhelming response. Ever the leader in customer service, all the directional signs were created in this fashion and have since become as iconic as any other signage on the grounds.
4) “Respect the Power of the Yeti” – Expedition Everest
One of the greatest attractions in all of Walt Disney World, Expedition Everest is an intense thriller that finds you climbing the Himalayan Mountains all while trying to avoid the legendary Abominable Snowman. For those who think this is just another roller coaster, one look at this sign puts into perspective that this is no ordinary roller coaster. Young kids and adults alike read this sign and understand the seriousness of what is to come. You do not just board a train for laughs and smiles. This is an adventure…a dangerous adventure and one that sees you come face to face with a monster. Now that the mood is set, smile for that camera when the Yeti reaches for you!
3) The Signs for the Magic Kingdom Mountains
Big Thunder, Space and Splash. Three adjectives that appropriately describe three of the most iconic rides in all the World. But in true Disney form, every detail matters and for these thrill rides, even the signage plays into the overall experience. From the Western font and wood banner of Big Thunder Mountain, to the neon glow and lights of Space Mountain, to the bayou signage of Splash Mountain, guests flock to these rides from park opening to park closing, taking pictures in front of the conquered mountains. And right in the middle of those pictures are the signs that welcome them.
2) The Hollywood Tower Hotel
Eerie, creepy, scary, haunting, but also perfectly beautiful. Often described as the best themed attraction at Disney World, The Tower of Terror at Disney’s Hollywood Studios starts with the iconic sign on the front facade. Ominously sitting at the end of Sunset Boulevard, this 199-ft attraction gives its potential victims, ahem, guests plenty of time to chicken out and run the other way. And that’s just in the day time. At night, the structure turns theming into a higher gear with malfunctioning lights and dimly lit illuminations. And if you are just driving by Hollywood Studios, odds are you’ll see the Tower of Terror peering over the tree line, almost luring you in to its beauty and eventual, doom!
Honorable Mention –
“It’s a small world” Goodbye Signs – Regardless of the language you speak, odds are our favorite dancing marionettes will find a way to send you off in your native tongue.
The Disney Store – Any trip to your major metro indoor mall included a trip to the Disney Store and the sign was the closest many of us could get to Disney until the next trip.
Character Parking Lot Signs – Of course Disney even makes parking fun! “Where did you park your car?” “We’re in the Ursula section!”
1) Walt Disney World – Where Dreams Come True
Whether you drove the whole way, flew into Orlando and hopped on the Magical Express, took a boat and rented an Uber, all guests eventually have that moment when they take a deep breath and say “I made it.” And for the majority of us, the famous sign the goes over World Drive is the official start of your vacation. With Minnie on the left and Mickey on the ride, you cannot help but smile as you officially enter Walt Disney World. It’s the perfect sign – visually pleasing, a positive message, classic characters and plenty of road ahead to snap photos. Of course, let’s not even think about the “See You Real Soon” sign on the backside as you leave….so let’s just not!
Did we miss anything? Is there a favorite sign you look forward to seeing or love taking a picture with every trip? Leave your comments below and as always, there’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow!