Let’s have an adult talk, shall we? At Believe Vacations, every single client and family is considered a VIP regardless of how much or how little you spend to book a vacation through our complimentary services. However, at Disney and Universal, there truly are VIPs and they are treated more special than other guests. They get special privileges, front-of-the-line access, limited waits, personalized attention and maximum fun. Envious yet? It’s okay to admit it. We all want to feel like VIPs. So how does that happen at Disney and Universal theme parks? That brings us to today’s video/article…
Welcome to Believe Vacations’ Weekly Post where today, we are going to educate you on the VIP Services offered at Disney and Universal properties. Meet Jennifer Hummel. Hummel has quickly grown into one of our most popular agents and she is an everyday VIP to her clients and teammates. But at the beginning of 2022, she had the opportunity to feel like a VIP when she signed up for these special services offered at Disneyland and Universal. And while she hopes to do the Disney World version one day, she was kind enough to share some Very Important Points about her adventures.
What is the typical VIP rate and what do you get?
Each destination is different. Disney World is on average around $550 per hour/per guide up to 10 guests for 7 hours but can go up to $800 for the group in peak seasons. I would suggest going with multiple families and splitting the cost. Disney World is a private tour and so is Disneyland. Disneyland will average about $400 to $500 per hour. At Universal, you have semi-private (grouped with other people) and private options. My unlimited express pass would have been $150; VIP was $275 and that included breakfast and lunch. There are options so just have your agent ask and do the hard part for you!
Is a meal provided?
For Disney properties, there is not a meal included in the pricing. Your travel agents can book your dining at the 60 day prior to arrival mark as usual. However, the VIP part comes in where you can speak to the VIP guest services cast members about dining, firework viewings, parades, etc. because they act like a a mini-concierge service and can help you find those tough reservations.
Does the price include theme park admission tickets?
You have to purchase theme park tickets separately. At Disney, you do not have to have park hopper tickets but if you want more “bang for your buck,” purchase park hopper, knock out the attractions you want at one park and then jump in the private transportation and go to the next ASAP.
What about gratuity?
I am a 20% person no matter what but I gave extra because my tour guides were awesome. You can do cash or contactless payment as they keep all of their personal tips.
What time and where do you meet?
At Disneyland, we met at Plaza Inn (our breakfast reservation location) and then we made a game plan from there. We discussed what was important prior to but they were wanting to confirm and prioritize with us before we started out. At Universal, our breakfast was included and the tour guide met us there. Because it was non-private, it is more of a guideline for all ages that did have a few chances to customize it. We had to be sensitive towards the little ones who could not do the bigger rides but it was still amazing and very well-rounded. At DisneyWorld, they can arrange to pick you up at your resort at the agreed on pick up time. Then, you head right into the parks and go from there.
How do you get around from park to park?
It’s not a limousine, sorry. At Walt Disney World, you get more of a shuttle service bus or a 16-person van that will bring you to the different parks. At Disneyland, it’s simply walk out one park, into the plaza and into another park. A funny tidbit at Disneyland is that they may not bring you to the “backstage areas” because there truly are VIPs of celebrity status out there who truly do use those passages to get around and not get rushed by fans.
For all locations, you will get to enter special designated entrances and you bypass the traditional lines to get in. At Universal, we went through the “please don’t have your camera out” back alleys. It’s very cool to see backstage. I love the making behind the magic stories so this was really special for me to see. Especially paying tribute to the former home of Nickelodeon Studios (RIP).
How were your tour guides?
It was interesting to hear about the process and eligibility of being a VIP Tour Guide. They are the most knowledgeable, they have tenure, they had to have served in various positions and know more than the average cast member. They keep up training regularly to maintain that status and rise to the level of “celebritiness!” And if you are a repeat VIP goer, you can request the same tour guide from your prior experience.
What are some other perks to being a guest on a VIP Tour?
The ability to see and do as many attractions as you can in a 7-hour window is the biggest perk. You don’t have to purchase the add-on skip the line services and especially at Universal, it was a very comparable price. You truly go to the front and everyone has to stop and wait for you. And then after your 7-hours expires, the VIP services can continue throughout the day as you can continue to skip the lines. Ask your tour guides about those extra perks before you say goodbye of course!
Would you do it again and why?
Absolutely to all 3 parks. I would love to do a private Universal tour for comparison but I was very surprised at the value I got with the non-private and the overall tour at Disneyland. Go with multiple families and have a wonderful day full of core memories!